sweet revenge?

Tattoo artist Ryan Fitzgerald from Dayton, OH was hit with a $100,000 lawsuit last week by his ex-girlfriend Rossie Brovent. She claims that her boyfriend was supposed to tattoo a scene from Narnia on her back but instead tattooed an image of a pile of excrement with flies buzzing around it. Apparently, Ryan found out that Rossie had cheated with a long-time friend of his, but instead of confronting her about it he acted like everything was normal and hatched a plan for revenge. Originally, Rossie tried to have Ryan charged with assault, but the ingenious tattoo artist had covered his bases by plying Rossie with wine and tequila shots and getting her to sign a consent form that stated the design was “at the artist’s discretion.” No word from Rossie on whether the illicit night of passion with Ryan’s friend was worth it. Moral of the story? Never cheat on a tattoo artist.

Picture and Story from:  http://early-onset-of-night.tumblr.com/post/13348728615/tattoo-artist-ryan-fitzgerald-from-dayton-oh-was

Haha! I thought this was really funny!!! 
Don't be a cheater!! If you want to be with someone else, break up with the person you are with FIRST!! Then, feel free to be with whoever you want!

I Told My Kids I Ate All Their Halloween Candy: Jimmy Kimmel Challenge

Put It On the Card

I have never really thought about a business not being able to accept credit cards before today.  For me, when I am purchasing things, I like to use my credit card.  I don't like to carry around a bunch of cash and I never know exactly how much I'll need for a specific time period.  If I went somewhere that didn't accept credit cards, I would probably have to put back my purchase because I didn't have the cash. 

If you have a high risk business that can not get accepted to process credit cards, there is help out there for you.  Your customers are depending on you to be able to use their credit cards at you business.  Not being able to take credit cards probably means you are losing business.  So, get help with your credit card merchant account now.